Paul Carden - Executive Director, The Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR)
Paul Carden, Apologetic expert on cults outlines the teachings on Mormonism & how they deviate from Historic Christianity
In this day and age with many prophets going throughout the world it is important that seekers of God test the prophet.
Paul Carden director of CFAR does just that with the Mormon Church, and shares his insights with the Underground Church in SE Asia..
In this day and age with many prophets going throughout the world it is important that seekers of God test the prophet.
Paul Carden director of CFAR does just that with the Mormon Church, and shares his insights with the Underground Church in SE Asia..
Tim Martin, Assistant Director, CFAR
Before you become a Jehovah Witness know what they believe. Do they really believe in the Bible? Have they changed the Bible?
History of the Jehovah Witnesses – English/Hmong
How to witness to the Jehovah Witness by Tim Martin – English/Hmong