Butte County Sheriff has faced many disasters that impacted the public. Two of the most devastating fires in California History – Paradise Camp Fire, and the Park Fire. The Oroville Dam, spillway disaster. Including sending personnel to assist the LA County Sheriff in the Southern California Fires
Prison becomes a revolving door. The recidivism rate for California inmates is around 41.9%, which is just below the national average. This means that about 41.9% of people released from California prisons are reconvicted, meaning they violate their parolee or commit another crime.
For any society to function there must be rules to live by and individuals to give that society direction and leadership. Thus the establishment of government and laws .
Heaven waited and watched in silence, and then suddenly the silence was shattered by the cry of the newborn King., Jesus, the Lord was born.
Telephone, Internet and hackers, mail frauds & scams, and how they can bankrupt your life. Beware of the scammers.
When it’s too good to be true, its most likely a scam.
We as Christians must reach people where they are, beyond the "four walls" of the church building -bringing the ministry of the gospel to the people.
Anderson Trinity Community Church used to be Trinity United Methodist in Anderson, Ca. Pastor Bowen and her congregation, and then 7,000 additional congregations have left the United Methodist denomination because of its inclusive/WOKE policies.
The first lesson of the Bible, at the root and origin of all this vast material universe, there exists a living Conscious Being, an Eternal, Almighty, all Powerful One, the One who lives outside of time, and dwells in eternity. The God of the Bible is forever the same, He was never born or created
In relativism everything is judged and lived through the lens of being WOKE and DEI (diversity, equity & inclusion).
Relativism is often expressed in phrases like ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth. My morality, and your morality.
Sheep and goats, Wheat and Tares….both are known by their fruit - In the parable of the wheat and the tares, found in Matthew 13, it describes two harvests that are growing side by side until the day of wheat harvest and a harvest of tares.
Spiritual conditions leading towards a one-world Church, a one-world economic system, and a one-world government, resulting in the Battle of Armageddon, and the literal physical return of the Lord Jesus Christ from Heaven.
Signs of the end
1) Israel back in its land
2) Jews back in Jerusalem
3) The Gospel preached throughout the world
4) An increase in travel & knowledge
Are we heading down the path into an Emerging World Order, of bringing the nations together as a One-World Order to eventually enthrone a man as world leader, and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy?
The biggest road block to America traveling down the road of communism, leading into Totalitarianism, is the Evangelical Christian Church.
Evangelical Christians are the largest voting bloc in America? Yet 40% of Evangelical Christians don’t vote.
Thousands of young women are prostituted, and sold into sex slavery every day. Many young women & even boys are sold as sex slaves in the Red Light Districts.
Pastor Ben McClure and his wonderful wife, Wendy are missionaries and church planters in Thailand. They understand the need to minister to those lost in Buddhism.
Ben lived in Laos, and understood the hardship of living in a Communist country, away from his family in the United States.
Demagoguery, is directed towards President Trump from liberals when they say he is part of Project 2025. Including circulating a flyer on Social media plat forms linking him to Project 2025.
Hamas attack on Israel, From the River to the Sea, Palestine to be Free. Israel’s national commitment, “Never again.”
This week we took a journey back into the old Church Hymnal and enjoyed the richness of the Gospel Hymns. Every home should have a Bible and Christian Hymnal.
our guests, Cathy Kinyon, and Priscilla Biggers tell us how to effectively evangelism in our communities.