We Care Ministries is an Apologetic Center, we stand on the teachings of Christianity, on the Jesus Christ of the Bible. On the importance of the essential doctrines of Christianity.
The inerrancy of the Scriptures; the Bible is the infallible Word of God.
The deity of Jesus Christ, His miraculous conception, birth, ministry, atoning death, resurrection and ascension into Heaven.
The Triune nature of God; the historic Christian doctrine, the One God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; each co-equal, each co-eternal, separate, distinct persons, but united as One.
Salvation is received only through the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Concerning Eschatology; the literal, physical return of Jesus Christ from Heaven, as Lord of Lords and King of Kings, to establish His Kingdom on earth.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) is the largest. Today there are over 17,000000 members.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) have 7 million active witnesses
Christian Science
World Wide Church of God
The Way International
United Pentecostal Church (UPC).
Moonies (The Unification Church)
The Family (Children of God).
The Nation of Islam (Black Muslims).
The Church of Scientology.
Religious Science
Fellowship of Friends
Hare Krishna
The unification church – (Moonies)
Heavens gate – doomsday UFO cult
The solar temple
David Koresh (Waco Texas)
Jones town – The People’s temple
Mexico Santa Muerte Murders: Nacozari 'Death Saint' Cult
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS)
1) Extra-biblical Authority
· Cults and aberrant movements often center around a man or woman who try to gain power, money, or influence by manipulating people.
· Most often they teach only they have the true insight into Scriptures, and only through their group will you find God.
2) Submission
· Leaders are often seen as prophets, apostles, or special anointed individuals with special connections to God, you must submit unto them to be right with God.
3) Suppresses critical thinking
· Members are discouraged from reading any materials that criticize the group.
· Members are encouraged to isolate themselves from outside influences and focus solely on the doctrines, literature, sermons, and music of the group as their sole source for truth.
· People who contradict the group are viewed as persecutors, haters, creating division, and are often labeled as “apostate.”
4) Salvation
· Salvation in a cult comes only through involvement and submission unto the group ,and its authority over your life.
5) Financial Exploitation
· Manipulative demands for money from members.
· Fraudulent accessing of “donations,” “inheritances,” “properties,” etc.
· Leaders benefit while followers often live in poverty.
Recently at a local church we attended a class, Encountering the World of Islam on reaching out to Muslims…The leader of the class told us millions of Christians are calling God Allah, and that Allah is simply a generic name for god.
There is no mention of the name for God as Allah in the Bible, there is not…Not in the Old Testament Hebrew, the New Testament Greek, or even in the Peshitta Primacy, the Aramaic Scriptures, nor in the Septuagint Bible.
We found it true millions in the Middle East are using the Arabic Bible that was translated from Greek in the early 800ad, and they inserted the word Allah as the word for God in the New Testament, and in many places they inserted the word Allah in the place of Yahweh in the Old Testament.
Is this a true and reliable translation of the Bible? We must ask ourselves, what other false interpretation is there in the Arab Bible.
We find cults and aberrational movements frequently distort and insert their own words and phrases into the Bible to deny or distort the essential doctrines of Christianity, such as the deity of Jesus, Theology (study of God), the Trinity, salvation by Faith, Eschatology, etc.
If Allah really is just a generic name for God, like Yahweh, Theos, or Elohim, why isn’t it mentioned in the Bible?
When we're talking with someone in Hinduism, we don’t use the names of their Hindu God; rather we tell them about the God of the Bible, which is the God we know.
We find it dishonest to teach Allah is just a generic name for “the god.”
Islam teaches there is no other God but Allah, and his prophet is Muhammad.
Millions had their heads cut off for believing in a different God than Allah, and denying his prophet.
It really does not matter how many Arab Bibles interpret God as Allah, the 66 books of the Bible was canonized in 300ad, it did not include the word Allah for God in the Old or New Testament. It did have…
Yahweh in the Bible- 6807 times
Elohim – 2340 times
Theos 1152 times
Allah – 0
We fear this teaching Allah is God will create great confusion in the church, and lead the Church away from worshiping the One true God of the Bible into idolatry…
Because of this we cannot support the ministry of Encountering the World of Islam
The Fellowship of Friends exhibits the hallmarks of a "doomsday religious cult," wherein Burton exercises absolute authority, and demands loyalty and obedience. He warns that his is the only path to consciousness and eternal life. Invoking his gift of prophecy, he has over the years prepared his flock for great calamities (e.g. a depression in 1984, the fall of California in 1998, nuclear holocaust in 2006, and most recently the October 2018 "Fall of California Redux.")
The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints had one fairly obvious difference from believers of the Mormon faith: its practice of polygamy.
Jeffs, who was excommunicated by the church for polygamy, watched as his church membership swelled to more than 10,000 members in Arizona, Utah and Texas.
The number of believers in Santa Muerte has grown over the past ten to twenty years, to an estimated 10–20 million followers in Mexico, the United States, and parts of Central America.
This makes the cult of Santa Muerte the fastest-growing religion in the Americas.
While most of its adherents live in Mexico, the cult spread to the U.S. around 2005. It is most prevalent in cities with a large population of illegal immigrants, such as Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and New York City.
But in other places, such as northern California, it has spread beyond the immigrant community.
The cult of Santa Muerte has become especially popular among criminals and drug traffickers. This is because criminals feel comfortable making requests of Santa Muerte that they would never make of God.
For example, a drug trafficker may ask Santa Muerte to kill his enemies or protect his heroin shipment.
In some instances, drug traffickers have offered up human sacrifices in return for Santa Muerte’s protection.
Four human sacrifices related to the worship of Santa Muerta have been documented in the U.S. since 2006, according to an fbi Law Enforcement Bulletin written by Dr. Robert Bunker.
The Black Israelites think Whites Are Possessed by the Devil and a Black Jesus will rise up one day and enslave all whites.
“They say that God is coming back to enslave and murder all white people,”